Tabling of the Royal Commission's final report

Whanaketia – through pain and trauma from darkness to light

Tabling in Parliament of the Abuse in Care, Royal Commission of Inquiry’s Final Report

In a milestone that belongs to you – survivors, your whānau and your communities – the Royal Commission’s final report and recommendations are complete and are now with the Government.  

The report is comprehensive. It includes 16 volumes of material that cover context, what happened, why it happened, specific case studies, survivor experiences and recommendations for the future.   

The Royal Commission’s job has finished, and it is now officially closed.   

On Wednesday 24 July at 4pm the Royal Commission’s final report will be presented to Parliament. This is called the tabling of the report. 

There is an opportunity for survivors to attend this presentation and sit in the public gallery to watch Members of Parliament (MPs) discuss the report. There will be speeches by Ministers and the Prime Minister. The public galleries are located above and to either side of the floor of the debating chamber. From the public galleries, the public can watch MPs as they answer questions, debate issues, and vote on legislation. 

Survivors do not have to attend in-person as it will be live-streamed on and on Parliament TV. But if you would like to attend in-person, please continue reading for instructions. 

Please note: there will not be any formal response to the report – this is just a chance for MPs to talk about the report being finished. Survivors will also not be able to speak at the presentation – this is just a chance to watch the proceedings. 

UPDATE 16 July: We have now reached capacity for the tabling and we are encouraging people to watch the proceedings online.


Date: Wednesday 24 July 2024 

Time: 3pm – 6pm 

Venue: Debating Chamber, Parliament Buildings, Wellington | 1 Molesworth St, Wellington 

Public Gallery at Parliament 

Space is limited, and you will need to register your attendance. Please email or call 0800 456 090. Please listen for the prompt ‘RSVP’s for Tabling of final report’ to speak with someone. You will need to RSVP by 12pm, 19 July 2024.  

NOTE: It is first-in first-served on the day. Sending an RSVP does not guarantee a spot in the public gallery. See below for information about the Banquet Hall. 

Banquet Hall 

This space will be utilised as overflow if all seats have been filled in the public gallery. 

The tabling and responses from Ministers and MPs will be televised on Parliament TV and viewing screens in the hall. Audio will be available in this space. 

Refreshments and beverages will be available. 

Entering Parliament 

To enter Parliament House, you will need to enter through the public entrance located between the Beehive and the steps of Parliament House, facing Molesworth street.   

Parliament is a highly secure space that requires you to go through security screening when you enter the building. Kaimahi will be on hand to support you if there are any issues. 

The public galleries are open 15 minutes before each sitting. They are located on the second floor of Parliament House.  Lift access is available.  You will need to go through a second security check at the entrance to the public galleries.   

For those that require wheelchair or lift access please let us know when you RSVP your attendance. 

Dress code 

You must dress appropriately to enter the public gallery.  For example, hats should not be worn, except for religious reasons, and all visitors must wear shoes. 

I-sign Services 

Sign language interpreters will be available during the tabling inside the debating chamber and in the banquet hall. 

Survivor Experiences Service 

The Survivor Experiences Service (SES) will be in attendance in the banquet hall. The SES was established in July 2023 to provide a safe, supportive and confidential place for survivors of abuse in care to share their experiences. 

They will be providing wellbeing support for people in the banquet hall, if information throughout the proceedings causes any distress. Kaimahi will be located in the gallery and the banquet hall and will be wearing nametags for visibility. Part of the wellbeing support will be provided by Tautoko Mai.  

Assistance with attendance

Assistance with travel may be available for Survivors that have registered with the Royal Commission of Inquiry and/or the Survivor Experiences Service, through a small contribution via vouchers. This will only be available for survivors who reside outside of Wellington, and inside of New Zealand. Please advise if this is of interest, when you RSVP your attendance.

Streaming of the tabling and debate can be found here: 

A reminder to please RSVP your attendance by 12pm, 19 July 2024  

For media enquiries please contact:  

For all other enquiries please contact: or call 0800 456 090.