Disabled survivors

The Survivor Experiences Service aims to be fully accessible for people who have different disabilities, neurodiversity and impairments.

Working with the Disabled Community

The Survivor Experiences Service and the Crown Response Unit are currently working with the Deaf and disabled community to make sure that the Service is accessible, safe and meaningful.

The Service needs to be accessible for people who have barriers to communication, a learning disability, cognitive impairment, and people who are neurodiverse.

We are gathering the views of the Deaf and disabled community to understand how the Service can meet your needs.

About the Survivor Experiences Service

 A short document with information about what the service is, who the service is for, and how to contact us.

Easy Read - About us [DOCX, 1.5 MB]  

Large Print - About us [DOCX, 68 KB]

Audio - About us [MP3, 1.4 MB]

Braille - About us [BRF, 3 KB]

Information booklet - Sharing experiences

This booklet explains more about sharing experiences with the Service.

Easy Read - Information booklet [DOCX, 10 MB]

Large Print - Information booklet [DOCX, 46 KB]

Audio - Information booklet [MP3, 2.3 MB]

Braille - Information booklet [BRF, 5 KB]

Literacy support - sharing experiences

The documents below explain how to get literacy support to share your experiences. To access this support there is a consent form. You can complete the form by writing or using audio or video services. We can help you complete the form.

Easy Read - Literacy Support [DOCX, 7.3 MB]

Large Print - Literacy support [DOCX, 48 KB]

Audio - Literacy Support [MP3, 2.4 MB]

Braille - Literacy Support [BRF, 5 KB]

Wellbeing Support - sharing experiences

The documents below explain how to get wellbeing support to share your experiences. To access this support there is a consent form. You can complete the form by writing or using audio or video services. We can help you complete the form.

Easy Read - Wellbeing Support [DOCX, 9.7 MB]

Large Print - Wellbeing support [DOCX, 50 KB]

Audio - Wellbeing Support [MP3, 2.6 MB]

Braille - Wellbeing Support [BRF, 6 KB]